Русский Русский


Ревда +3°

Реутов +7°

Рефтинский +3°

Редкино +6°

Райчихинск -15°

Рассказово +7°

Радужный -3°

Раменское +8°

Пятигорск +17°

Пыть-Ях -3°

Пушкино +7°

Пугачев +8°

Псков +8°

Протвино +6°

Прокопьевск -1°

Прохладный +16°

Приволжский +8°

Пойковский -2°

Полысаево -7°

Полевской +3°

Подольск +8°

Похвистнево +8°

Петровск +7°

Петрозаводск +1°

Петропавловск-Камчатский -2°

Петропавловск +5°

Петергоф +7°

Петродворец +7°

Первоуральск +3°

Пермь +4°

Переславль-Залесский +6°

Пенза +6°


Павловская +11°

Павлово +6°

Партизанск +5°

Озеры +6°

Озёрск +4°

Озёрный +7°

Ойсхара +19°

Отрадный +7°

Остров +7°

Отрадное +7°

Осташков +6°

Острогожск +8°

Осинники -1°

Оса +5°

Орск +9°

Данные о погоде Россия

The weather in Russia varies greatly throughout the country. In general, cold, snowy weather prevails in the southernmost parts of Russia, while milder conditions prevail in northern Russia. In addition, a wide range of precipitation occurs across the country. At times, heavy snowfall occurs in southern Russia, while the opposite occurs in northern Russia.

On Saturday, cold and snowy weather is expected to prevail in most of central and southern Russia. In addition, rain is also expected in these regions. In fact, some areas of central and southern Russia may receive more rain on Saturday than they did on Friday. Additionally, wind chill values may reach as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday. This is because a cold front moving southward will bring chilly winds from that direction.
If predictions become reality on Saturday, it will be the first time that central and southern Russia have experienced cold weather this year. According to the Russian Academy of Meteorology, February was the coldest month in these regions since 1897. Additionally, heavy snowfall occurred in many parts of central and southern Russia during February- May this year. This was the first time since 2012 that snowfall occurred in these regions during the summer season.

On the other hand, milder temperatures are expected to prevail over northern Russia on Saturday. In addition, some rain may also occur there. However, if predictions become reality on Saturday, it will be the first time that northern Russia has experienced milder weather this year. According to the Russian Academy of Meteorology, April was the coolest month since 2012 over northern portions of this country. During April this year, temperatures only reached as high as 59 degrees Fahrenheit over Arkhangelsk in northern Russia.

According to reports by meteorologists around the world, severe weather conditions are expected on Saturday- namely cold and snowy weather in central and southern Russia and possible rain in those regions as well. While predictions become reality on Saturday, it will be interesting to see if central and southern Russia experiences its first cold snap or its first milder weather this year.